Kit Digital: Grants to boost your business’ digitalization

Do you know that you need to revamp your business, but you keep on postponing the decision due to lack of time or money? We’re pleased to tell you that your time has come!

Acumbamail is the only official email marketing provider in the Kit Digital program to give you the opportunity to get your email and SMS marketing tool at no cost.

Find out what Kit Digital is and how you can benefit from this government aid to digitalise your SME or business.

What is Kit Digital?

Kit Digital is a financial grant that is part of the Spanish Government’s ‘Acelera pyme’ program. It is co-financed by the Next Generation EU funding package.

With a budget of over 3 billion euros, the Kit Digital program offers financial support amounting to between 2,000 and 12,000 euros per company to contract digital solutions for SMEs and independent professionals.

These solutions are provided by digitalization agents such as Acumbamail, which are companies that have been officially approved as the program’s providers.

Who is the Kit Digital program for?

These government grants are for small companies (under 50 employees) and independent professionals in any sector who would like to boost their digital transformation.

The maximum amount the grants can go up to vary depending on the size of the company, and are divided into three segments:

  • Segment I: companies with between 10 and 49 employees -> grants up to €12,000

  • Segment II: companies with between 3 and 9 employees -> grants up to €6,000

  • Segment III: companies with between 0 and 2 employees and independent professionals -> grants up to €2,000

What costs do the Kit Digital grants cover?

The Kit Digital grants are for covering different areas or categories within the companies’ digital transformation, from digital presence to cybersecurity, as well as e-commerce, social media management or business intelligence.

In the following table, you can see the maximum amount for each category depending on the size of the business:

Categories Grants
Segment III Segment II Segment I
Website and Internet presence
Includes email marketing
2.000€ 2.000€ 2.000€
Includes email marketing
2.000€ 2.000€ 2.000€
Social media management 2.000€ 2.000€ 2.600€
Customer management 2.000€ 2.000€ 4.000€
Business Intelligence and analytics 1.500€ 2.000€ 4.000€
Management of processes 500€ 2.000€ 6.000€
Electronic Invoicing 500€ 1.000€ 1.000€
Virtual office 250€/user 250€/user 250€/user
Secure communications 125€/user 125€/user 125€/user
Cybersecurity 125€/user 125€/user 125€/user

As shown in the table, both the first and second categories include email marketing and SMS solutions such as the ones offered by Acumbamail.

Requirements to apply for Kit Digital

  • Be a small company, micro-company or independent professional (less than 50 employees).

  • Be up to date with tax and social security obligations.

  • Be a tax resident in Spain.

  • Not be considered a company in crisis.

  • Not exceed the limit of small grants.

  • Be active and be in business for the minimum required period of time.

Get your email marketing tool for free

If you think the time has come to boost your business with a powerful email marketing and SMS tool, don’t wait a second longer! Get Acumbamail now for free, thanks to the Kit Digital grants.

Learn with our free courses. Learn with our free courses. Learn with our free courses.

How to get Kit Digital grants

  • 1. Sign up on Acelera pyme

  • 2. Complete the digital diagnostic test

  • 3. Choose the technological solutions that interest you the most from the digitalization agents catalog

  • 4. Access the relevant grants

How can Acumbamail help you in your digital transformation?

Acumbamail is the only email marketing and SMS tool included in Kit Digital’s digitalization agents catalog.

Among other features, we offer you:

Want to find out more?

If you have any questions or would like more information about Kit Digital and about how Acumbamail can help you, get in touch with us.