(function(globals) { var django = globals.django || (globals.django = {}); django.pluralidx = function(n) { var v=(n != 1); if (typeof(v) == 'boolean') { return v ? 1 : 0; } else { return v; } }; /* gettext library */ django.catalog = django.catalog || {}; var newcatalog = { " Debes tener el consentimiento expreso de los suscriptores": " You must have express consent from those subscribers", " Esta operaci\u00f3n s\u00f3lo se podr\u00e1 realizar una vez cada 24 horas.": " This action can only be carried out once every 24 hours.", " Se marcar\u00e1n como baja en todas tus listas": " They will be unsubscribed from all of your lists", " Ver menos m\u00f3dulos": " See fewer modules", " Ver m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos": " See more modules", " asignados": " allocated credits", " clics totales": " total click-throughs", " clics \u00fanicos": " unique click-throughs", " cr\u00e9ditos SMS por repartir entre tus clientes": " SMS credits to share among your clients", " cr\u00e9ditos por repartir entre tus clientes": " credits to share among your clients", " debe ir en formato Unicode por lo que la longitud disponible para tu sms ser\u00e1 menor. Elim\u00ednelo si desea enviar un SMS con codificaci\u00f3n normal": " must be in Unicode format so the available length for your sms will be lower. Remove it if you wish to send one regularly coded SMS", " d\u00edas": " days", " euros al mes?": " a month?", " euros m\u00e1s al mes?": " euros more a month?", " euros. El proceso puede tardar hasta 2 horas y te avisaremos por email con un informe del resultado de la limpieza.": " euros. The process can take up to 2 hours and we will notify you by email with a report of the cleaning result.", " meses, luego ": " months, then ", " no se puede usar en el remitente de una campa\u00f1a. Sustit\u00fayelo para continuar": " cannot be used as sender of a campaign. Replace it to continue", " seg": " sec", "(Este proceso puede tardar, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza.": "(This process may take some time, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning.", "(copia)": "(copy)", ". El contenido actual de tus registros DKIM es: ": "The current content of your DKIM records is: ", "/a\u00f1o": "/year", "/mes": "/month", "91 198 84 05": "91 198 84 05", "91 278 40 71": "91 278 40 71", "Abiertos": "Opened", "Abr": "Apr", "Abril": "April", "Abrir enlace en nueva ventana": "Open link in a new window", "Acceso a Redes sociales": "Gain access to Social Media", "Aceptar": "Accept", "Aceptar cobro y limpiar": "Accept payment and clean up", "Activado": "Activated", "Activar": "Enable", "Activar campa\u00f1a RSS": "Activate RSS campaign", "Activar extra": "Activate extra", "Activo": "Active", "Actualizar": "Update", "Actualizar fila de contenido": "Update content row", "Actualizar fila sincronizada": "Update synced row", "Actualizar miniatura": "Update thumbnail", "Actualizar segmento": "Update segment", "Actualmente fuera de horario.": "Currently out of hours.", "Actualmente no tienes el registro DKIM creado": "You currently do not have an DKIM record", "Actualmente no tienes el registro SPF creado": "You currently do not have an SPF record", "Actualmente tu registro DKIM no contiene un valor correcto. El valor que debe tener es ": "Your DKIM record does not contain the correct value. The required value is ", "Actualmente tu registro SPF no contiene el valor correcto. Tienes que a\u00f1adir ": "Your SPF record does not currently contain the correct value. You have to add ", "Ago": "Aug", "Agosto": "August", "Ahora puedes limpiar las listas de este env\u00edo por s\u00f3lo": "Now you can clean the lists of this shipping for only", "Ahora puedes limpiar las listas de este env\u00edo por s\u00f3lo ": "Now you can clean the lists of this shipping for only ", "Al alcanzar": "Upon reaching", "Al eliminar estos suscriptores de la lista de excluidos se dar\u00e1n de alta en el resto de listas": "By deleting these subscribers from the excluded list they will be resubscribed in the remaining lists", "Al hacer click": "By clicking", "Al reducir el n\u00famero de test, si guarda este cambio se borrar\u00e1n los test sobrantes": "When reducing the number of tests, if you save this change exceeding tests will be deleted", "Alinear": "Align", "Alt de la imagen": "Image alt", "Alt de la imagen:": "Image's Alt:", "Altura:": "Height:", "Analice, administre y mida eficientemente el rendimiento de todo su contenido digital": "Efficiently analyze, manage and measure the performance of all your digital content", "Analiza tu canal y competidores en Twitch": "Analyze your channel and competitors on Twitch", "Analiza tu cuenta de Instagram": "Analyze your Instagram account", "Analiza y programa tu perfil personal o de empresa": "Analyze and schedule your personal or company profile", "Anal\u00edtica web con toda la informaci\u00f3n que de verdad importa sobre la actividad de tu Blog": "Web analytics with all the information that really matters about your Blog's activity", "Aplicado": "Applied", "Aplicando...": "Applying...", "Aplicar": "Apply", "Archivo": "File", "Aseg\u00farate de que el correo est\u00e1 bien escrito": "Ensure that the email is well written", "Aseg\u00farate que lo has escrito de forma correcta y que es un email v\u00e1lido.": "Make sure you have written it correctly and that it is a valid email address.", "Asignar": "Assign", "Asignar cr\u00e9ditos": "Allocate credits", "Audiencia activada": "Audience activated", "Audiencia a\u00f1adida": "Audience added", "Audiencia desactivada": "Audience disabled", "Audiencia eliminada": "Audience deleted", "Audiencias recuperadas": "Retrieved audiences", "Auto-Guardando landing...": "Autosave landing...", "Autor del post": "Author of the post", "Ayuda": "Help", "A\u00f1adir": "Add", "A\u00f1adir categor\u00eda": "Add category", "A\u00f1adir contenido": "Add content", "A\u00f1adir encuesta": "Add survey", "A\u00f1adir formulario": "Add form", "A\u00f1adir m\u00e9todo de pago": "Add payment method", "A\u00f1adir nueva categor\u00eda": "Add new category", "A\u00f1adir una cuenta atr\u00e1s": "Add a Countdown timer", "B2B Deliverability": "B2B Deliverability", "B2C Deliverability": "B2C Deliverability", "Baja": "Unsubscribe", "Bajas": "Unsubscribed", "Borde": "Border", "Borrando suscriptores": "Deleting subscribers", "Borrar": "Delete", "Borrar cuenta": "Delete account", "Bot\u00f3n": "Button", "Bot\u00f3n de selecci\u00f3n excluyente": "Radio Button", "Bot\u00f3n sombreado": "Button gradient", "CVV incorrecto.": "Incorrect CVV.", "Cada ": "Every ", "Campa\u00f1a eliminada": "Campaign deleted", "Campa\u00f1a guardada": "Saved campaign", "Campa\u00f1a programada": "Scheduled campaign", "Campo lista": "Field ready", "Campo tipo lista obligatorio": "List field type is mandatory", "Cancelar": "Cancel", "Cancelar pausa": "Cancel pause", "Cancelar pro gratuito": "Cancel PRO trial", "Cancelar suscripci\u00f3n": "Cancel subscription", "Caracter unicode detectado": "Character unicode detected", "Cargando datos": "Loading data", "Casilla de selecci\u00f3n": "Check Box", "Categor\u00edas personalizadas": "Custom categories", "Cerrar": "Close", "Click aqu\u00ed para editar el bot\u00f3n": "Click here to edit the button", "Click para editar el texto": "Click to edit the text", "Clicks": "Click-throughs", "Clics": "Click-throughs", "Color": "Colour", "Color borde": "Colour of border", "Color de fondo": "Background colour", "Color fondo": "Background colour", "Color fondo al pasar el rat\u00f3n": "Background colour when hovering with the mouse", "Color letra": "Text colour", "Columna": "Column", "Comparar": "Compare", "Completado": "Completed", "Con una tarifa Pro o Enterprise podr\u00edas generar textos con inteligencia artificial en tus t\u00edtulos, botones, p\u00e1rrafos y listas. Adem\u00e1s, tambi\u00e9n podr\u00edas disfrutar de las siguientes funcionalidades:": "With a Pro or Enterprise pricing plan, you could generate texts with artificial intelligence in your titles, buttons, paragraphs and lists. In addition, you could also enjoy the following features:", "Con una tarifa Pro o Enterprise podr\u00edas tener un n\u00famero mayor de filas guardadas. Adem\u00e1s, tambi\u00e9n podr\u00edas disfrutar de las siguientes funcionalidades:": "With a Pro or Enterprise pricing plan, you could have a higher number of saved rows. In addition, you could also enjoy the following features:", "Confirmaci\u00f3n": "Confirmation", "Confirmar": "Confirm", "Confirmar baja": "Confirm unsubscription", "Conservar original": "Keep original", "Consigue crecer en Pinterest": "Get growth on Pinterest", "Contacte con soporte. Error:": "Contact support. Error:", "Contenido del post": "Content of the post", "Continuar": "Continue", "Continuar gratis": "Keep my free plan", "Continuar sin guardar": "Continue without saving", "Contratar": "Purchase", "Contratar PRO": "Purchase PRO", "Conversiones": "Conversions", "Copiando...": "Copying...", "Corrija los errores del formulario": "Fix the errors in the form", "Corrija los errores en el formulario": "Fix the errors in the form", "Crear": "Create", "Crear fila de contenido": "Create content row", "Crear lista de excluidos": "Create an exclusion list", "Crece en Tik Tok": "Get growth on Tik Tok", "Cuando acabe el periodo de prueba se te empezar\u00e1 a cobrar autom\u00e1ticamente": "When your free trial expires, you will be charged automatically", "Cuenta": "Account", "Cuenta atr\u00e1s": "Timer", "Cuenta err\u00f3nea": "Wrong account", "C\u00f3digo HTML no permitido": "HTML code not allowed", "C\u00f3digo html": "HTML Code", "DAR DE BAJA": "UNSUBSCRIBE", "DKIM no verificado": "DKIM not verified", "DKIM no verificado, puede tardar hasta 48 horas en propagarse": "DKIM not verified, DKIM may take 48 hours to propagate", "DKIM no verificado, puede tardar horas en propagarse": "DKIM not verified, DKIM may take some hours to propagate", "DKIM verificado": "DKIM verified", "Darme de baja": "Unsubscribe me", "Debe elegir varias listas": "You must select several lists", "Debe seleccionar al menos una campa\u00f1a para generar un informe con los resultados.": "You should select at least one campaign.", "Debe seleccionar entre 2 y 10 campa\u00f1as para comparar los resultados.": "You should select between 2 and 10 campaigns to compare results.", "Debe seleccionar una plantilla para continuar": "You must select a template to continue", "Debe terminar de editar para poder realizar otras acciones": "You have to finish editing before you can carry out other actions", "Debes complear el proceso de autenticaci\u00f3n de tu banco": "You must complete bank process authentication", "Debes completar el proceso de autenticaci\u00f3n de tu banco": "You must complete bank process authentication", "Debes completar la configuraci\u00f3n de la campa\u00f1a": "You must complete the configuration of the campaign", "Debes configurar un tiempo": "You must configure a time", "Debes configurar una fecha": "You must configure a date", "Debes configurar una hora": "You must configure a datetime", "Debes elegir un dominio v\u00e1lido o usar un subdominio para tus enlaces": "You must choose a valid domain or use a subdomain for your links", "Debes elegir un domio v\u00e1lido o usar un subdominio para tus enlaces": "You must choose a valid domain or use a subdomain for your links", "Debes seleccionar al menos 1 contenido": "You must select at least 1 content", "Debes seleccionar al menos un suscriptor para dar de alta": "You must select at least one subscriber to be activated", "Debes seleccionar al menos un suscriptor para dar de baja": "You must select at least one subscriber to be unsubscribed", "Debes seleccionar al menos un suscriptor para eliminar": "You should select at least one subscriber to be deleted", "Debes seleccionar al menos un suscriptor para eliminarlo de la lista de exclusi\u00f3n": "You must select at least one subscriber to delete it from the excluded list", "Debes seleccionar al menos un suscriptor para mover": "You must select at least one subscriber to be moved", "Debes seleccionar dos listas": "You must select two lists", "Debes seleccionar un enlace": "You must select a link", "Debes seleccionar un m\u00e1ximo de 8 listas": "You must select up to 8 lists", "Debes seleccionar un tipo de formulario": "You must select a type of form", "Debes seleccionar varias listas": "You must select several lists", "Debes tener una de nuestras tarifas de pago para poder activarlo, contrata desde 14 euros mensuales y sin permanencia.": "In order to activate it, sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month, no minimum-term commitment.", "Debes verificar que tienes acceso a esta direcci\u00f3n de correo para poder enviar la campa\u00f1a.": "We have to make sure that you have permission to use this email address tosend the campaign.", "Debes verificar tu dominio": "You have to verify your domain", "Debido a nuestra pol\u00edtica de seguridad debe esperar un minuto para poder volver a poder verificar su email": "Due to our security policy, you must wait one minute to verify your email again", "Debido a nuestra pol\u00edtica de seguridad debe esperar un minuto para poder volver a solicitar un nuevo email": "Due to our security policy, you must wait one minute to be able to request a new email", "Desactivado": "Deactivated", "Desactivar": "Disable", "Desactivar autoresponder": "Deactivate autoresponder", "Descargar informe": "Download report", "Descargar informe global": "Download global report", "Descargar informes": "Download reports", "Desprogramar campa\u00f1a": "Cancel schedule", "Desprogramar campa\u00f1a RSS": "Cancel RSS schedule", "Despu\u00e9s de": "After", "Dic": "Dec", "Diciembre": "December", "Direcci\u00f3n": "Address", "Direcci\u00f3n web": "Website address", "Distancia al objeto de arriba": "Distance to object at the top", "Dom": "Sun", "Dominio a\u00f1adido": "Domain added", "Dominio eliminado": "Domain deleted", "Dominio no permitido": "Domain not allowed", "Duplicar": "Duplicate", "Duplicar sitio web": "Duplicate website", "D\u00edas transcurridos": "Days elapsed", "Edita este bot\u00f3n": "Edit this button", "Edita este campo": "Edit this field", "Editar categor\u00eda": "Edit category", "Editar fila sincronizada": "Edit synced row", "Editar segmento": "Edit segment", "El archivo se est\u00e1 subiendo, si sales se cancelar\u00e1 la subida.": "The file is being uploaded, if you exit the upload process will be cancelled.", "El campo email es obligatorio para importar la lista": "To import the list, email address field is mandatory", "El campo provincia no puede ser vacio.": "The province field cannot be empty.", "El caracter: ": "The character: ", "El contenido de esta fila se sincroniza en otros dise\u00f1os. Puedes editarla de forma que se actualicen todos los dise\u00f1os donde la fila est\u00e1 presente o bien desvincularla para que los cambios solo afecten a este dise\u00f1o.": "The content of this row is synchronised in other templates. You can edit it so that all templates where the row is present are updated, or unlink it so that changes are only applied to this template.", "El c\u00f3digo es err\u00f3neo": "Wrong code", "El descuento ha sido aplicado a la tarifa": "The discount has been applied to the pricing plan", "El email a\u00fan no est\u00e1 verificado": "Email still not verified", "El email a\u00fan se est\u00e1 enviando": "The email is still being sent", "El email no es correcto": "The email is not correct", "El email no est\u00e1 verificado": "Email not verified", "El email se ha enviado": "The email has been sent", "El importe de tu suscripci\u00f3n se incrementar\u00e1 en": "Your subscription amount will increase by", "El importe de tu suscripci\u00f3n se reducir\u00e1 en": "Your subscription amount will decrease by", "El login no ha tenido \u00e9xito": "The login was not successful", "El nombre de tu marca blanca contiene caracteres no v\u00e1lidos. Prueba con otra palabra": "The name of your white brand contains invalid characters. Try with another word", "El nombre de tu marca blanca contiene caracteres no v\u00e1lidos. Prueba con una palabra simple sin espacios": "The name of your white brand contains invalid characters. Try with a simple word without blank spaces", "El n\u00famero introducido es incompleto": "The introduced number is incomplete", "El proceso puede tardar hasta 2 horas y te avisaremos por email con un informe del resultado de la limpieza.": "The process can take up to 2 hours and we will notify you by email with a report of the cleaning result.", "El proceso puede tardar, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza.": "The process may take some time, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning.", "El proceso puede tardar, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza.)": "The process may take some time, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning)", "El registro DKIM est\u00e1 correctamente configurado, pero el SPF no. Recuerda que los registros pueden tardar horas en propagarse a toda la red.": "The DKIM register is correctly configured, but the SPF is not. Remember that registers can take hours to propagate through the whole network.", "El registro SPF est\u00e1 correctamente configurado, pero el DKIM no. Recuerda que los registros pueden tardar horas en propagarse a toda la red.": "The SPF register is correctly configured, but the DKIM is not. Remember that registers can take hours to propagate through the whole network.", "El sitio web est\u00e1 en modo borrador, para que sea accesible debes publicarlo antes de compartir el enlace": "The website is in draft mode, to make it visible you must publish it before sharing the link", "El test ganador se enviar\u00e1 el": "The winner test will be sent on", "El usuario se ha eliminado correctamente": "User deleted successfully", "Eliminando suscriptores. Puede ir recargando la p\u00e1gina para ver los que quedan por eliminar": "Deleting subscribers. You can reload the page for checking pending deletion", "Eliminar": "Delete", "Eliminar audiencia": "Delete audience", "Eliminar campa\u00f1a": "Delete campaign", "Eliminar dominio": "Delete domain", "Eliminar email": "Delete email", "Eliminar enlace": "Delete link", "Eliminar formulario de suscripci\u00f3n": "Delete subscription form", "Eliminar fuente de contenido": "Delete content source", "Eliminar lista de suscriptores": "Delete subscriber list", "Eliminar m\u00e9todo de pago": "Delete payment method", "Eliminar segmento": "Delete segment", "Eliminar sitio web": "Delete website", "Eliminar usuario": "Delete user", "Eliminar webhook de entrada": "Delete incoming webhook", "Eliminar y dar de alta": "Delete and resubscribe", "Email a\u00f1adido": "Email added", "Email eliminado": "Email deleted", "Email verificado": "Email verified", "Email verificado correctamente": "Email successfully verified", "Emails enviados": "Sent emails", "En el momento de activarlo se te cobrar\u00e1 la parte proporcional a los d\u00edas que queden hasta la pr\u00f3xima renovaci\u00f3n de tu tarifa": "When you activate it, you will be charged the amount proportional to the days left until your plan\u2019s next renewal", "En este tipo de formularios no est\u00e1 permitido tener mas de una columna": "You can't have more than one column in this kind of form", "En uso": "Active", "Encuesta": "Survey", "Ene": "Jan", "Enero": "January", "Enlace YouTube/Vimeo del v\u00eddeo": "YouTube/Vimeo video link", "Enlace del bot\u00f3n": "Button link", "Enlace para compartir": "Link to share", "Enlazar": "Link", "Enviando...": "Sending...", "Enviar": "Send", "Enviar al ganador": "Send to winner", "Enviar campa\u00f1a": "Send campaign", "Enviar email": "Send email", "Enviar email de verificaci\u00f3n": "Send verification email", "Enviar un email": "Send an email", "Env\u00eda esta informaci\u00f3n a un desarrollador con el que trabajes para que pueda realizar y comprobar la configuraci\u00f3n de forma sencilla": "Send this information to a developer you work with so that they can easily perform and check the configuration", "Env\u00edo cancelado": "Shipping cancelled", "Env\u00edo cancelado sin finalizar": "Shipping cancelled without completion", "Error": "Error", "Error al duplicar": "Error while duplicating", "Error al eliminar": "Error deleting", "Error al eliminar la fila": "Error while deleting the row", "Error al recuperar los contenidos": "Error while retriving contents", "Error analizando calidad": "Error analysing quality", "Error calculando suscriptores sin tel\u00e9fono": "There was an error retrieving the number of subscribers without proper phone field", "Error creando el dominio": "Error creating domain", "Error eliminando el dominio": "Error deleting domain", "Error en el nuevo asunto": "Error creating new subject", "Escribe manualmente el nombre del remitente que desees": "Manually enter the sender name of your choice", "Escribe manualmente el nombre que desees": "Manually enter the name of your choice", "Espacio vertical": "Vertical space", "Espera unos segundos m\u00e1s y recibir\u00e1s el email. Cuando lo recibas, escribe el c\u00f3digo correcto a continuaci\u00f3n": "Wait some more seconds and you will receive the email. When you receive it, write down the correct code below", "Espera, por favor. Se est\u00e1 aplicando el cambio en todas las p\u00e1ginas...": "Please wait. The update is being applied to all pages...", "Esta operaci\u00f3n puede durar unos minutos, puedes realizar otras modificaciones en la plantilla sin abandonar la p\u00e1gina": "This operation can take a few minutes, you can make other changes in the template without leaving the page", "Estamos procesando tu video": "We are processing your video", "Este enlace apunta a:": "This link refers to:", "Este enlace es el de darse de baja": "This is unsubscribe link", "Este enlace es el de modificar datos de un suscriptor": "This is the modify data link", "Este enlace es el de ver en navegador": "This is view browser link", "Este enlace redirige a:": "This link redirects to:", "Este env\u00edo ha sido cancelado por tener un elevado n\u00famero de hard bounces y/o quejas.": "This shipping has been cancelled due to a high number of hard bounces and/or complaints.", "Este env\u00edo tiene un elevado n\u00famero de hard bounces y/o quejas.": "This shipping has a high number of hard bounces and/or complaints.", "Este env\u00edo tiene un elevado n\u00famero de hard bounces, soft bounces y/o quejas.": "This shipping has a high number of hard bounces, soft bounces and/or complaints.", "Este proceso puede tardar hasta 1 hora por cada 1000 suscriptores, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza y podr\u00e1s solicitar la reactivaci\u00f3n del env\u00edo.": "This process can take up to 1 hour for every 1000 subscribers, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning so you can reactivate the campaign.", "Este proceso tarda, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza y podr\u00e1s solicitar la reactivaci\u00f3n del env\u00edo.": "This process will take some time, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning so you can reactivate the campaign.", "Este proceso tarda, te avisaremos por email del resultado de la limpieza.": "This process will take some time, we will notify you by email about the result of the cleaning.", "Este tipo de campo es siempre obligatorio, ya que al ser una lista de valores, siempre tienen un valor v\u00e1lido preseleccionado": "This field is mandatory. List field always has a preselected value", "Este tipo de campo es siempre obligatorio, ya siempre tiene un valor v\u00e1lido preseleccionado al ser una lista": "This type of field is always mandatory, it always has a valid preselected value since it is a list", "Est\u00e1ndar": "Standard", "Etiquetas": "Tags", "Evento a\u00f1adido": "Event added", "Excluir": "Exclude", "Feb": "Feb", "Febrero": "February", "Fecha del post": "Date of the post", "Fondo": "Background", "Formulario": "Form", "Formulario actualizado": "Form updated", "Formulario eliminado": "Form deleted", "Fuente": "Font", "Fuente RSS inv\u00e1lida": "Invalid RSS source", "Fuente de contenido": "Content source", "Fuente de contenido creada correctamente": "Content source successfully created", "Generales": "General", "Gestion Facebook como un pro": "Manage Facebook like a pro", "Grosor": "Thickness", "Grosor borde": "Width of border", "Guardando landing...": "Savind landing...", "Guardar": "Save", "Guardar segmento": "Save segment", "Ha habido un error actualizando el progreso. Por favor, recargue la p\u00e1gina": "An error occurred during the update. Please, reload the current page", "Ha habido un error a\u00f1adiendo tu m\u00e9todo de pago": "There was an error adding your payment method", "Ha habido un error a\u00f1adiendo tu m\u00e9todo de pago1": "There was an error adding your payment method", "Ha habido un error a\u00f1adiendo tu m\u00e9todo de pago2": "There was an error adding your payment method", "Ha habido un error comprobando tu c\u00f3digo de descuento": "There was an error checking your discount code", "Ha habido un error estableciendo tu industria": "There was an error setting your industry", "Ha habido un error, contacta con soporte": "An error occurred, please contact support", "Ha ocurrido un error con tu petici\u00f3n": "An error has occurred during the request", "Ha ocurrido un error con tu tarjeta": "An error has occurred with your card", "Ha ocurrido un error en la petici\u00f3n, contacta con soporte": "An error has occurred, contact support", "Ha ocurrido un error no esperado, contacte con soporte": "An unexpected error has occurred, contact support", "Ha ocurrido un error, contacta con soporte": "An error occurred, please contact support", "Hard Bounces": "Hard Bounces", "Hard bounces": "Hard bounces", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite de fuentes de contenido que puedes crear con tu plan": "You have reached the limit of content sources you can create with your plan", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya no puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos a tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 11 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and cannot add more modules to your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 11 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya no puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos a tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and cannot add more modules to your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya no puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos a tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and cannot add more modules to your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya puedes tener m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos en tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 11 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and you cannot have more modules in your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 11 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya puedes tener m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos en tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and you cannot have more modules in your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el l\u00edmite y ya puedes tener m\u00e1s m\u00f3dulos en tu plantilla, si quieres poder insertar todos los que quieras (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You have reached the limit and you cannot have more modules in your template, if you want to insert as many as you want (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Has alcanzado el n\u00famero m\u00e1ximo de campos de este tipo, prueba con otro tipo de campo": "You have reached the maximum number of fields of this kind, try using a different kind of field", "Has asociado a la imagen una URL sin protocolo. Debes a\u00f1adirle https:// para que funcione bien en versi\u00f3n m\u00f3vil": "You have associated to the image a URL without protocol. You must add https:// for it to work properly in mobile version", "Has borrado el link de baja": "You have deleted the unsubscribe link", "Has hecho click en un enlace": "You have clicked a link", "Hay poca informaci\u00f3n para ejecutar el an\u00e1lisis": "There is not enough information for running the analysis process", "Haz": "Click", "Haz click aqu\u00ed para editar el texto": "Click here to edit the text", "Haz click aqu\u00ed para editar el texto. Haz click aqu\u00ed para editar el texto. Haz click aqu\u00ed para editar el texto.": "Click here to edit the text. Click here to edit the text. Click here to edit the text.", "Horas transcurridas": "Hours elapsed", "Hoy": "Today", "Html incorrecto": "Incorrect HTML", "Ignorar": "Ignore", "Imagen": "Image", "Imagen + texto": "Image + text", "Imagen + texto (Vertical)": "Image + text (Vertical)", "Imagen con enlace a": "The image links to", "Imagen principal del post": "Main image of the post", "Imagen sin margen": "Image without margin", "Importar": "Import", "Impresiones": "Prints", "Inactivo": "Disabled", "Incluye tus contenidos en el email": "Include your custom content in your email", "Incluye tus contenidos en la landing page": "Include your custom content in your landing page", "Incluye una de tus encuestas en el email": "Include one of your surveys in your email", "Incluye una de tus encuestas en la landing page": "Include one of your surveys in your landing page", "Incluye uno de tus formularios cl\u00e1sicos de suscripci\u00f3n": "Include one of your classic subscription forms", "Informaci\u00f3n de facturaci\u00f3n actualizada": "Billing information updated", "Iniciar autoresponder": "Start autoresponder", "Inserta aqu\u00ed tu c\u00f3digo HTML": "Insert your HTML code here", "Inserta aqu\u00ed tu c\u00f3digo html": "Insert your html code here", "Inserta nombre": "Insert name", "Instantanea": "Send now", "Introduce aqu\u00ed un tel\u00e9fono v\u00e1lido": "Enter a valid phone number", "Introduce el c\u00f3digo correcto a continuaci\u00f3n": "Enter the correct code below", "Introduce el email de pruebas": "Enter email for tests", "Introduce el email de tu t\u00e9cnico": "Enter your technician's email", "Introduce los valores separados por coma": "Enter the values separated by comma", "Introduce tu email": "Insert your email", "Introduce un email correcto": "Enter a valid email", "Introduce un nombre para el formulario": "Enter the name of the new form", "Introduzca el link que desea enlazar con la imagen": "Enter the link that you want to link to the image", "Ir a campa\u00f1as": "Go to campaigns", "Ir a formularios": "Go to forms", "Jue": "Thu", "Jul": "Jul", "Julio": "July", "Jun": "Jun", "Junio": "June", "La contrase\u00f1a proporcionada no cumple los criterios necesarios": "The password does not meet the required criteria", "La fuentes RSS son p\u00e1ginas web en XML. En ocasiones, suelen tener el icono de RSS junto a ellas": "RSS sources are XML websites. Sometimes, they have the RSS icon next to them", "La generaci\u00f3n de la nueva imagen en minuatura de la plantilla tardar\u00e1 unos segundos. Deber\u00e1 recargar la p\u00e1gina para ver los cambios": "It will take a few seconds to create the new thumbnail image of the template. Please refresh the page to view changes", "La imagen ya est\u00e1 enlazada a": "The image is already linked to", "La lista se est\u00e1 copiando": "The list is being copied", "Landing guardada": "Landing saved", "Lanzar prueba": "Send test", "Las filas predefinidas no se pueden borrar": "Predefined rows cannot be deleted", "Le quedan": "You have", "Limpiar lista": "Clean list", "Link del post": "Link to the post", "Lista eliminada": "List deleted", "Llamada telef\u00f3nica": "Phone call", "Logo footer": "Footer logo", "Los registros DNS est\u00e1n correctamente configurados.": "The DNS registers are correctly configured.", "Los registros DNS no est\u00e1n correctamente configurados. Recuerda que los registros pueden tardar horas en propagarse a toda la red.": "The DNS registers are not correctly configured. Remember that registers can take hours to propagate through the whole network.", "Los suscriptores duplicados se est\u00e1n borrando de la lista. Este proceso puede tardar varios minutos. ": "Duplicate subscribers are being deleted from the list. This process may take a few minutes. ", "Los usuarios gratuitos no pueden tener varias cuentas gratuitas. Contrata un plan de pago y podr\u00e1s usar todos los email de remitente que necesites.": "Free users cannot have multiple free accounts. Subscribe to a payment plan and you will be able to use as many sender email addresses as you need.", "Lun": "Mon", "L\u00edmite de columnas": "Limit of columns", "L\u00ednea": "Line", "Mantener tama\u00f1o original de la imagen": "Keep the size of the original image", "Mar": "Mar", "Marcar como excluidos": "Mark as excluded", "Marzo": "March", "May": "May", "Mayo": "May", "Meta description": "Meta description", "Meta title": "Meta title", "Mide y publica hilos y tweets": "Measure and publish threads and tweets", "Mide, programa y avanza": "Measure, schedule and move forward", "Mie": "Wed", "Modificar": "Modify", "Modificar mis datos": "Change my information", "Mostrar estructura": "Show structure", "Mostrar etiqueta": "Show label", "M\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n": "More information", "M\u00e9todo de pago a\u00f1adido": "Payment method successfully added", "M\u00e9todo de pago eliminado": "Payment method deleted", "M\u00e9todo de pago preferido actualizado": "Preferred payment method updated", "No abiertos": "Unopened", "No es posible abrir una pesta\u00f1a": "It is not possible to open a tab", "No es posible a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s columnas": "It is not possible to add more columns", "No es posible dejar el formulario vac\u00edo, por lo que no puede eliminar este \u00faltimo bloque": "The form can't be left empty, so the last block can't be deleted", "No es posible dejar la plantilla vac\u00eda, por lo que no puede eliminar este \u00faltimo bloque": "It is not possible to leave the template empty, so you cannot delete this block", "No es posible reducir mas el tama\u00f1o de la columna": "It is not possible to reduce the column size further", "No es un v\u00eddeo de YouTube/Vimeo": "It is not a YouTube/Vimeo video", "No est\u00e1 permitido borrar el link de baja de la plantilla, reescriba el texto que desee manteniendo el enlace para darse de baja": "The unsubscribe link cannot be deleted from the template, write your desired text again keeping the unsubscribe link", "No hay tag comunes": "There are no shared tags", "No he recibido el email de verificaci\u00f3n": "I haven't received the verification email", "No hemos podido tramitar su cancelaci\u00f3n. Contacte con soporte.": "Unable to process your cancellation. Please contact support.", "No hizo click en ninguna campa\u00f1a": "Did not click on any campaign", "No permitido": "Not allowed", "No puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s columnas. Si quieres usar hasta 4 columnas por plantilla (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 11 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You can't add more columns. If you want to use up to 4 columns per template (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 11 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "No puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s columnas. Si quieres usar hasta 4 columnas por plantilla (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You can't add more columns. If you want to use up to 4 columns per template (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "No puedes a\u00f1adir m\u00e1s columnas. Si quieres usar hasta 4 columnas por plantilla (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "You can't add more columns. If you want to use up to 4 columns per template (and many other functions), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "No puedes usar esta funcionalidad": "Your pricing plan does not allow you to use this feature", "No quiero y admito que soy una de esas personas que odia a los gatitos :(": "I do not want to and I admit that I am one of those people that hates kittens :(", "No se ha podido borrar su usuario.": "Unable to remove your user.", "No se ha podido duplicar tu lista, contacta con soporte": "Your list has not been duplicated successfully, contact support", "No se ha podido guardar tu \u00faltimo cambio": "Your last modification could not be saved", "No se puede borrar la plantilla seleccionada": "Unable to delete the selected template", "No se puede eliminar": "Cannot be deleted", "No se puede eliminar la fila": "This row cannot be deleted", "No se puede enviar una campa\u00f1a sin destinatarios": "You cannot send a campaign without any recipient", "No se puede enviar una prueba de una campa\u00f1a sin destinatarios": "You cannot send a test to a campaign without any recipient", "No se puede generar la captura del v\u00eddeo. Se recargar\u00e1 la p\u00e1gina para continuar": "The video capture cannot be generated. The page will reload before continuing", "No se puede guardar": "Unable to save", "No se puede redimensionar": "Cannot be resized", "No se pueden guardar los cambios. Se recargar\u00e1 la p\u00e1gina para continuar.": "Unable to save changes. The page will be reloaded to continue.", "No verificado": "Not verified", "No, gracias": "No, thank you", "Nombre de la fuente": "Name of the font", "Nombre del RSS": "Name of the RSS", "Nombre empresa": "Name of the company", "Nombre interno": "Internal name", "Nov": "Nov", "Noviembre": "November", "Nuestra limitaci\u00f3n para un html son 300kb, aunque lo recomendable es que sea menor de 100kb": "Our limitation for HTML is 300kb, but our recommendation is lower than 100kb", "Nueva lista": "New list", "Nuevo segmento": "New segment", "Nuevo webhook": "New webhook", "N\u00famero de clics en cada enlace": "Number of clicks on each link", "N\u00famero de tarjeta incorrecto. ": "Wrong card number ", "O bien inserta un video desde": "Or insert a video from", "Obligatorio": "Mandatory", "Obligatorio para suscribir": "Mandatory for subscribing", "Obtener m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n": "More information", "Oct": "Oct", "Octubre": "October", "Ocultar estructura": "Hide structure", "Ocultar previa": "Hide preview", "Ocupar todo el ancho": "Take up entire width", "Ohh, s\u00f3lo para usuarios de pago :(": "Ohh, only for paying users :(", "Otros": "Others", "Overall Deliverability": "Overall Deliverability", "Pago solicitado": "Payment requested", "Pagos pendientes": "Outstanding payments", "Para acceder a Redes sociales, elige una tarifa pro o enterprise": "To access social media, choose a pro or enterprise plan", "Para activar el reenv\u00edo autom\u00e1tico a no abiertos debes indicar un nuevo asunto distinto al original de la campa\u00f1a": "In order to enable resend to no openers you must specify a different subject than the originally used by the campaign", "Para cancelar tu suscripci\u00f3n mensual de SMS ponte en contacto con soporte": "To cancel your monthly SMS plan, please contact the support team", "Para poder enviar tu SMS con: ": "For sending your SMS with: ", "Para poder redirigir a esa url tienes que verificar antes el dominio": "In order to redirect to that url you have to validate the domain", "Para poder redirigir a esta url tienes que verificar antes este dominio.
Pulse aqu\u00ed para a\u00f1adir dominios": "In order to redirect to this url you first have to verify that domain.
Click here to add domains", "Para poder usar esta funcionalidad y muchas otras, contrata una de nuestras tarifas de pago.": "To use this feature and many others, please sign up for one of our pricing plans.", "Para verificar que eres el propietario del email debes introducir el c\u00f3digo que te hemos enviado (puede tardar unos minutos)": "To verify that you're the owner of the email address, please enter the code that we've sent you (this may take a few minutes)", "Parando esta campa\u00f1a, vas a cancelar el env\u00edo de esta campa\u00f1a en la fecha especificada
\u00bfQuieres continuar?": "By stopping this campaign you are cancelling the delivery of this campaign on the specified date
Do you want to continue?", "Parando esta campa\u00f1a, vas a pausar todos los env\u00edos de este autoresponder
\u00bfQuieres continuar?": "By stopping this campaign you are cancelling the delivery of this autoresponder
Do you want to continue?", "Parar autoresponder": "Stop autoresponder", "Parar campa\u00f1a": "Stop campaign", "Pausar": "Pause", "Pausar cuenta": "Pause account", "Personaliza tu envio usando metaetiquetas": "Customise your email by using meta tags", "Plan": "Plan", "Plantilla eliminada": "Template deleted", "Plantilla seleccionada": "Template succesfully selected", "Plantilla transferida": "Predesigned templates", "Podr\u00e1s disfrutar de un periodo de prueba gratuito durante": "Your free trial expires in", "Porcentaje": "Percent", "Porcentaje que se enviar\u00e1 al ganador del experimento": "Percentage to be sent to the winner of the test", "Primera imagen del post": "First image of the post", "Procesar video": "Process video", "Programa y responde rese\u00f1as en Google Perfil de Empresa": "Schedule and reply to reviews on Google Company Profile", "Programar campa\u00f1a": "Schedule campaign", "Publicar sitio web": "Publish website", "Puedes hacer clic en el email que te hemos enviado o introducir el c\u00f3digo que ver\u00e1s en el email a continuaci\u00f3n:": "You can click in the email that we sent you or enter the code that you see in the email in the space provided below:", "Puedes limpiar las listas de este env\u00edo por s\u00f3lo ": "You can clear the lists in this shipping for only ", "Puedes limpiar las listas y reactivar este env\u00edo por s\u00f3lo ": "You can clean the lists and reactivate this shipping for only ", "Puedes volver atr\u00e1s, seleccionar las campa\u00f1as que necesites y volver a pulsar en descargar informe, o descargar un informe global de todas tus campa\u00f1as": "You can go back, select the campaigns you need and click on download report again, or download a global report of all your campaigns", "Quejas": "Complaints", "Radio esquinas": "Rounded corners", "Reactivar": "Reactivate", "Reactivar cuenta pausada": "Reactivate paused account", "Recuperando tus audiencias": "Retrieving your audiences", "Recursos": "Resources", "Redes Sociales": "Social media", "Redes sociales": "Social media", "Registro DKIM": "DKIM register", "Registro SPF": "SPF register", "Remitente de yahoo detectado": "Yahoo sender detected", "Renovar consentimiento GDPR": "Renew GDPR consent", "Reproducir al mostrar": "Play on show", "Reproducir en bucle": "Loop playing", "Restricci\u00f3n de seguridad": "Security restriction", "Resumen del post": "Summary of the post", "Revisa tu c\u00f3digo Html y aseg\u00farate que es correcto y que todas las etiquetas est\u00e9n bien cerradas. Recuerda que no est\u00e1n permitidas etiquetas generales como html, head, body, style, meta o title. Ni tampoco scripts ni javascripts.": "Review your Html code and make sure that it is correct and that every tag is correctly closed. Remember that general purpose tags such as html, head, body, style, meta or title are not allowed. Neither are scripts nor javascripts allowed.", "SPF No verificado": "SPF not verified", "SPF No verificado, puede tardar hasta 48 horas en propagarse": "SPF not verified, may take 48 hours to propagate", "SPF No verificado, puede tardar horas en propagarse": "SPF not verified, may take some hours to propagate", "SPF no verificado": "SPF not verified", "SPF no verificado, por favor unifica tus registros": "SPF not verified, please unify your records", "SPF no verificado, puede tardar hasta 48 horas en propagarse": "SPF not verified, may take 48 hours to propagate", "SPF no verificado, puede tardar horas en propagarse": "SPF not verified, please unify your records", "SPF verificado": "SPF verified", "SPF y DKIM": "SPF and DKIM", "Sab": "Sat", "Salir": "Close", "Se borrar\u00e1n test": "Tests will be deleted", "Se esta creando tu nueva lista, pueden pasar unos minutos hasta que se copien todos los suscriptores.": "Your new list is being created, it may take several minutes until all your subscribers have been copied.", "Se ha a\u00f1adido un nuevo campo a la lista": "A new field has been added to the list", "Se ha copiado correctamente": "Successfully copied", "Se ha enviado el correo electr\u00f3nico a: ": "The email has been sent to: ", "Se ha generado tu video ya lo puedes ver en tu plantilla": "Your video has been generated, you can see it in your template", "Se han eliminado de la lista": "Have been removed from the list", "Se han enviado un total de": "A total of", "Segmento eliminado": "Segment deleted", "Segmento guardado": "Segment saved", "Selecciona al menos dos listas para unir. Recuerda que todos los suscriptores se mover\u00e1n a la que mayor n\u00famero de suscriptores tenga.": "Select at least two lists to join. Remember that all subscribers will move to the list with the highest number of subscribers.", "Selecciona dos listas para comprobar si existen suscriptores repetidos.": "Select two lists to check duplicate subscribers.", "Selecciona el logotipo": "Select the logo", "Seleccionar pago": "Select payment", "Seleccione al menos dos listas para unir. Recuerda que todos los suscriptores se mover\u00e1n a la que mayor n\u00famero de suscriptores tenga.": "Select at least two lists to join. Remember that all subscribers will move to the list with the highest number of subscribers.", "Sep": "Sep", "Separador": "Divider", "Septiembre": "September", "Si deseas darte de baja de este bolet\u00edn haz click en el siguiente enlace": "Click here to unsubscribe from this newsletter", "Si no est\u00e1 en bandeja de entrada, mira otra carpetas como promociones o correo no deseado": "If it is not in your inbox, check other folders such as promotions or junk mail", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 11 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up for one of our pricing plans from 11 euros/month with no minimum-term contract", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 11 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 11 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up for one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month with no minimum-term contract", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month with no minimum-term contract.", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up for one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month with no minimum-term contract", "Si quieres cambiar o eliminar nuestro logo (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "If you want to change or delete our logo (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month with no minimum-term commitment.", "Si quieres que te ayudemos a solucionar alg\u00fan problema pulsa Cancelar": "If you want us to help you solve a problem, click Cancel", "Si quieres usar este tipo de formulario (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 14 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "If you want to use this form type (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 14 euros/month, no minimum-term commitment.", "Si quieres usar este tipo de formulario (y muchas otras funcionalidades) contrata una de nuestras tarifas desde 9 euros/mes y sin ning\u00fan tipo de permanencia.": "If you want to use this form type (and many other features), sign up to one of our pricing plans from 9 euros/month, no minimum-term commitment.", "Si saltas a otro paso sin usar 'siguiente' o 'guardar y salir' no se guardar\u00e1n los cambios que has hecho": "If you move to a different step without using 'next' or 'save and exit' changes done will be discarded", "Si usas cualquier email de yahoo como remitente tus campa\u00f1as no llegar\u00e1n. Cambia el email de remitente para poder continuar": "If you use a Yahoo address as sender, your campaigns will not be delivered. Please change the sender address to continue", "Siempre": "Always", "Siguiente": "Next", "Simplifica la creaci\u00f3n de campa\u00f1as publicitarias y aumenta su rentabilidad": "Simplifies the creation of advertising campaigns and increases their performance", "Sin abrir": "Unopened", "Sin sonido": "Mute", "Sincronizando audiencia": "Audience filter", "Sitio web privado": "Private website", "Sitio web p\u00fablico": "Public website", "Soft bounces": "Soft bounces", "Solamente se pueden seleccionar 8 o menos listas para comprobar si existen suscriptores repetidos.": "Only 8 or less lists can be selected to check for duplicated subscribers.", "Solamente se pueden seleccionar dos listas para comprobar si existen suscriptores repetidos.": "You can just select two lists to check duplicated subscribers.", "Soporte": "Support", "Su lista ha sido analizada. Consulte los resultados en la tabla mostrada": "Your list has been analysed. Consult the result in the displayed table", "Su lista ha sido limpiada. Consulte los resultados en la tabla mostrada": "Your list has been cleaned. Consult the result in the displayed table", "Subir Archivo": "Upload a file", "Subir un archivo:": "Upload a file:", "Subir una imagen": "Upload an image", "Subir una imagen:": "Upload an image:", "Suscriptores eliminados": "Subscribers removed", "Suscriptores en segmento: ": "Subscribers in segment: ", "Suscr\u00edbete": "Sign up", "S\u00f3lo est\u00e1 permitido a\u00f1adir v\u00eddeos desde YouTube.com o Vimeo.com": "Only videos from YouTube.com or Vimeo.com can be added", "S\u00f3lo est\u00e1 permitido vincular un check para activar/desactivar el bot\u00f3n de suscribir": "You can only link a check to activate/deactivate the subscribe button", "S\u00f3lo se permite editar el texto con las etiquetas HTML span, strong, em y br. Borre la etiqueta para continuar": "You can only edit text with the following HTML tags: span, strong, em and br. Remove the tag in order to continue", "S\u00f3lo se pueden generar informes seleccionando entre 1 y 50 campa\u00f1as. Tambi\u00e9n puedes descargar un informe global de todas tus campa\u00f1as": "Reports can only be generated by selecting between 1 and 50 campaigns. You can also download a global report of all your campaigns", "Tags del suscriptor": "Subscriber tags", "Tags globales": "Global tags", "Tags para RSS": "Tags for RSS", "Tama\u00f1o": "Size", "Tama\u00f1o fuente": "Font size", "Tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo superado": "Maximum size exceeded", "Tambi\u00e9n puedes arrastrarla aqu\u00ed": "You also can drop the image here", "Tambi\u00e9n puedes contratar una tarifa b\u00e1sica y activar el extra de Redes sociales": "You can also get a basic plan and activate the social media extra", "Tarifa asignada correctamente": "Pricing plan correctly assigned", "Tarjeta caducada.": "Expired card.", "Te contactaremos en las pr\u00f3ximas 5 horas. Gracias por seguir confiando en Acumbamail": "We will contact you in the next 5 hours. Thank you for continuing to trust Acumbamail", "Te hemos aplicado un 90% de descuento para tus pr\u00f3ximos dos meses. Gracias por seguir confiando en Acumbamail": "We have applied a 90% discount for your next two months. Thank you for continuing to trust Acumbamail", "Te hemos mandado un email": "We've sent an email to", "Te llamaremos en unos minutos": "We'll call you in a few minutes", "Te quedan": "You have", "Te quedan ": "You have ", "Tel\u00e9fono": "Telephone", "Termine de editar para continuar": "Finish editing to continue", "Test guardado correctamente": "Test successfully saved", "Texto": "Text", "Texto + imagen": "Text + image", "Texto + imagen (Vertical)": "Text + image (Vertical)", "Texto alternativo": "Alternative text", "Texto de fondo": "Background text", "Texto de la etiqueta": "Tag text", "Texto del bot\u00f3n": "Button text", "Thumbnail generado": "Thumbnail generated", "Tiene": "You have", "Tiene ": "You have ", "Tienes cambios sin guardar": "You have unsaved changes", "Tienes m\u00e1s de un registro SPF, debes combinarlos en uno solo. Tus registros actuales son:": "You have more than one SPF record, so you must combine them into one. Your current records are:", "Tienes pagos pendientes. Debes a\u00f1adir un m\u00e9todo de pago para que se ejecuten.": "You have outstanding payments. Please add a payment method for them to be made.", "Tipo de enlace": "Link type", "Todav\u00eda no tienes la informaci\u00f3n suficiente para que el dato que podamos proporcionarte sea relevante, por favor, repite el an\u00e1lisis cuando hayas enviado algunas campa\u00f1as m\u00e1s": "You don't have enough information so we can not provide useful information to you. Please, try to repeat the analysis process after you have sent some more campaigns", "Todos los campos son obligatorios, no dejes ninguno sin rellenar": "Please don't leave any field blank", "Todos los suscriptores de esta lista se marcar\u00e1n como bajas en todas tus listas. Cuando a\u00f1adas a cualquier otra lista un suscriptor que pertenezca a esta lista se marcar\u00e1 como baja autom\u00e1ticamente. ESTE PROCESO ES IRREVERSIBLE.": "All subscribers who belong to this list will be unsuscribed from any other list as well. Whenever you add a subscriber that belongs to the exclusion list to any other of your lists, it will be an unsubscribe automatically. THIS PROCESS CANNOT BE UNDONE.", "Tramitando...": "Processing...", "Transferir": "Transfer", "Tu IBAN no es v\u00e1lido": "Your IBAN is not valid", "Tu cuenta gratuita ha sido eliminada": "Your free account has been deleted", "Tu cuenta ha sido bloqueada. Contacta con soporte para reactivar tu cuenta.": "Your account has been blocked. Contact support to reactivate your account.", "Tu industria se ha establecido correctamente": "Your industry has properly been set", "Tu marca blanca no est\u00e1 configurada": "Your brand is not configured yet", "Tu pausa ha sido cancelada.": "Your pause has been cancelled.", "Tu prueba PRO ha sido cancelada": "Your PRO trial has been cancelled", "Tu sesi\u00f3n se ha cerrado y no se pueden guardar tus \u00faltimos cambios, comprueba tu conexi\u00f3n a internet. Pulsa aceptar para loguearte de nuevo.": "Your session was closed and your last changes cannot be saved, check your internet connection. Click accept to login again.", "Tu tarifa no te permite utilizar esta funcionalidad": "Your pricing plan does not allow you to use this feature", "Tu usuario est\u00e1 bloqueado. Contacta con soporte para m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n": "Your user has been blocked. Contact support for more information", "Tus informes de redes sociales listos en 5 minutos": "Your social media reports ready in 5 minutes", "Tus listas se han unido correctamente": "Lists have been merged succesfully", "T\u00edtulo con enlace": "Title with link", "T\u00edtulo del post": "Title of the post", "T\u00edtulo del post con link": "Title of the post with link", "Una vez al d\u00eda": "Once a day", "Una vez haya borrado la plantilla no podr\u00e1 deshacer esta acci\u00f3n, \u00bfdesea eliminar la plantilla?": "Once you have deleted the template, this action can not be undone. Would you like to delete the template?", "Unir": "Merge", "Unir listas": "Merge lists", "Usar descuento": "Use discount", "Usuario a\u00f1adido": "User added", "Usuario creado correctamente": "User created successfully", "Validar": "Validate", "Varios": "Several", "Vas a cancelar tu suscripci\u00f3n, si quieres que te ayudemos a solucionar tu problema pulsa Cancelar": "You are going to cancel your subscription, if you want us to help you solve your problem click Cancel", "Vas a cancelar tu suscripci\u00f3n, \u00bfDesea continuar?": "You're going to cancel your subscription. Are you sure?", "Vas a cancelar tu tarifa, \u00bfDeseas continuar?": "You're going to cancel your pricing plan, do you want to continue?", "Vas a eliminar tu cuenta gratuita y borrar todo tu contenido de forma definitiva, \u00bfDesea continuar?": "You're about to delete your free account and all its content for good. Do you want to continue?", "Vas a realizar el pago de la tarifa con tu m\u00e9todo de pago principal. \u00bfDesea continuar?": "You are about to select a plan using your preferred payment method. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Vas a realizar el pago de la tarifa con tu m\u00e9todo de pago principal. \u00bfDeseas continuar?": "You are about to select a plan using your preferred payment method. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Vas a seleccionar este m\u00e9todo de pago como principal para tus futuros pagos. \u00bfDesea continuar?": "You're going to select this payment method as the main one for your future payments. Do you wish to continue?", "Vas a seleccionar este m\u00e9todo de pago para realizar el cobro de la tarifa. \u00bfDesea continuar?": "You're going to select this payment method to be charged for your pricing plan. Do you wish to continue?", "Vas a seleccionar este m\u00e9todo de pago para realizar el cobro de la tarifa. \u00bfDeseas continuar?": "You're going to select this payment method to be charged for your pricing plan. Do you wish to continue?", "Ver en navegador": "View in browser", "Ver menos caracter\u00edsticas": "See fewer features", "Ver tarifas": "See pricing plans", "Ver todas las caracter\u00edsticas": "See all features", "Verificado": "Verified", "Verificar": "Verify", "Verificar c\u00f3digo": "Verify code", "Verificar dominio": "Verify domain", "Video": "Video", "Video creado": "Video created", "Video est\u00e1tico desde YouTube o Vimeo": "Static YouTube/Vimeo video", "Video url": "Video URL", "Vie": "Fri", "Visitas": "Views", "Vista previa": "Preview", "Viwom apikey": "Viwom apikey", "Volver": "Back", "Volver a analizar": "Analyse again", "Webhook de entrada eliminado": "Incoming webhook deleted", "Ya est\u00e1 configurado": "Set up is complete", "Ya existe una cuenta con ese email, utiliza un email que no tenga ya una cuenta en la plataforma": "Please use an email address which is not already registered on the platform", "Ya has creado un rol con ese email, utiliza un email que no hayas utilizado previamente": "Please use an email address that you haven't used before", "Ya he hecho clic": "I already clicked", "Ya he hecho clic en el email": "I have clicked through in the email", "Ya puedes usar este email como remitente en tus campa\u00f1as.": "You can now use this email as a sender in your campaigns.", "abri\u00f3 cualquier campa\u00f1a": "opened any campaign", "abri\u00f3 la campa\u00f1a": "opened the campaign", "a\u00f1o": "year", "bot\u00f3n": "button", "cada a\u00f1o": "yearly", "cada a\u00f1o, IVA incluido": "yearly, VAT included", "cada mes": "monthly", "cada mes, IVA incluido": "monthly, VAT included", "cada mes, pagado anualmente": "every month, paid annually", "clic aqu\u00ed": "here", "clics": "clicks", "clics totales": "total click-throughs", "contiene": "contains", "cr\u00e9ditos SMS": "SMS credits", "cr\u00e9ditos SMS asignados": "SMS credits allocated", "cr\u00e9ditos SMS por repartir entre tus clientes": "SMS credits to share among your clients", "cr\u00e9ditos asignados": "allocated credits", "cr\u00e9ditos por repartir entre tus clientes": "credits to share among your clients", "de la lista.": "of the list.", "de scroll en la p\u00e1gina": "scroll on the page", "distinto de": "different than", "durante ": "for ", "d\u00edas": "days", "en \u00e9l. Tu registro actual es:": "in it. Your current record is:", "es demasiado grande, el tama\u00f1o m\u00e1ximo permitido es": "is too big, the maximum allowed size is", "es demasiado peque\u00f1o, el tama\u00f1o m\u00ednimo permitido es": "is too small, the minimum allowed size is", "est\u00e1 vacio, por favor selecciona otro archivo": "is empty, please select a different file", "euros. El proceso puede tardar hasta 2 horas y te avisaremos por email con un informe del resultado de la limpieza.": "euros. The process can take up to 2 hours and we will notify you by email with a report of the cleaning result.", "gratis hasta": "free until", "hizo click en": "clicked on", "hizo click en cualquier campa\u00f1a": "clicked on any campaign", "igual que": "equal to", "imagen": "image", "invitaciones.": "invitations have been sent.", "mayor o igual que": "greater than or equal to", "mayor que": "greater than", "menor o igual que": "less than or equal to", "menor que": "less than", "menos de": "less than", "menos de ": "less than ", "mes": "month", "meses, luego ": "months, then ", "m\u00e1s de": "more than", "m\u00e1s de ": "more than ", "m\u00e1s de 1.000.000": "more than 1.000.000", "no abri\u00f3 la campa\u00f1a": "did not open the campaign", "no abri\u00f3 ninguna campa\u00f1a": "did not open any campaign", "no contiene": "does not contain", "no hizo click en": "did not click on", "no tiene una extensi\u00f3n v\u00e1lida, las extensiones permitidas son": "has not a valid extension, allowed extensions are", "para editar la imagen": "to edit the image", "probar acumbamail": "try Acumbamail", "que se reproducir\u00e1 desde tu newsletter": "that will be played from your newsletter", "seguir\u00e9 con la gratuita": "I'll stick with the free plan", "segundos": "seconds", "seleccionado": "selected", "seleccionados": "selected", "sobre": "about", "sobre ": "about ", "suscriptor": "subscriber", "suscriptores": "subscribers", "suscriptores de baja calidad": "low quality subscribers", "texto": "text", "www.tudominio.com": "www.yourdomain.com", "\u00a1Disfruta de un 15% de descuento en cualquiera de nuestras tarifas!": "Enjoy an exclusive 15% discount in any of our pricing plans!", "\u00a1Disfruta de un 15% de descuento exclusivo para nuestros suscriptores en cualquiera de nuestras tarifas!": "Enjoy an exclusive 15% discount for our subscribers in any of our pricing plans!", "\u00a1Ense\u00f1ame esas tarifas!": "Show me that pricing plan!", "\u00a1Ens\u00e9\u00f1ame esas tarifas!": "Show me that pricing plan!", "\u00a1Ups! Ha ocurrido un error": "Oops! An error has occurred", "\u00bfConfirmas que deseas contratar nuestra tarifa PRO por ": "Confirm the purchase of the PRO rate for \u20ac ", "\u00bfConfirmas que deseas contratar nuestra tarifa PRO?": "Do you confirm the purchase of the PRO rate?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea cancelar la prueba de la tarifa Pro y volver a tu tarifa b\u00e1sica?": "Are you sure you want to cancel your pause and reactivate your account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea cancelar su pausa y reactivar su cuenta?": "Are you sure you want to cancel your pause and reactivate your account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar el usuario? (perder\u00e1s los cr\u00e9ditos que tenga asignados)": "Are you sure you want to delete this user? (you will loose every credit assigned to this user)", "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar este dominio?": "Are you sure you want to delete this domain?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1 seguro que desea eliminar este sitio web?": "Are you sure you want to delete this website?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas cancelar las suscripciones activas en esta cuenta?": "Are you sure you want to cancel active subscriptions on this account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas cancelar y eliminar esta cuenta?": "Are you sure you want to cancel and delete this account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas eliminar este usuario?": "Are you sure you want to delete this user?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas eliminar la fuente de contenido? Ya no podr\u00e1s incluir sus contenidos en tus plantillas": "Are you sure you want to delete this content source? You will no longer be able to include their content in your templates", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas loguearte con este usuario? Ser\u00e1s deslogueado de la sesi\u00f3n actual": "Are you sure you want to login as this user? Your current session will be logged out", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas pausar esta cuenta?": "Are you sure you want to pause this account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que deseas reactivar esta cuenta pausada?": "Are you sure you want to reactivate this paused account?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro de que quieres desactivar el extra seleccionado?": "Are you sure you want to delete this extra?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar esta audiencia?": "Are you sure you want to delete this audience?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar esta campa\u00f1a?": "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar esta lista?": "Are you sure you want to delete this list?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este dominio?": "Are you sure you want to delete this domain?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este email?": "Are you sure you want to delete this email?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este formulario?": "Are you sure you want to delete this form?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este m\u00e9todo de pago?": "Are you sure you want to delete this payment method?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este segmento?": "Are you sure you want to delete this segment?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este usuario?": "Are you sure you want to delete this user?", "\u00bfEst\u00e1s seguro que quieres eliminar este webhook?": "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook?", "\u00bfQuieres crear una copia de este sitio web?": "Would you like to duplicate this website?", "\u00bfQuieres saber c\u00f3mo llegar al inbox? \u00a1Suscr\u00edbete!": "Would you like to know to get to the inbox? Subscribe!", "\u00bfSeguro que deseas marcar esta lista como excluidos? Los suscriptores que pertenezcan a esta lista se marcar\u00e1n como bajas autom\u00e1ticamente. Cuando alguno de los suscriptores pertenecientes a esta lista se a\u00f1adan a otra lista se marcar\u00e1n como baja directamente": "Are you sure you want to mark this list as excluded? Subscribers who belong to this list will be marked as unsubscribes automatically. When any of the subscribers belonging to this list are added to another list, they will be marked as unsubscribe directly", "\u00bfSeguro que deseas marcar esta lista como excluidos? Los suscriptores que pertenezcan a esta lista se marcar\u00e1n como bajas en todas tus listas autom\u00e1ticamente. Cuando alguno de los suscriptores pertenecientes a esta lista se a\u00f1adan a otra lista se marcar\u00e1n como baja directamente. ESTE PROCESO ES IRREVERSIBLE. ": "Are you sure you want to mark this list as excluded? Subscribers who belong to this list will be marked as unsubscribed on all your lists automatically. When any of the subscribers belonging to this list are added to another list, they will be marked as unsubscribe directly. THIS PROCESS IS IRREVERSIBLE. ", "\u00bfSeguro que deseas unir las listas? Las listas se unir\u00e1n a la lista con mayor n\u00famero de suscriptores y posteriormente se ELIMINAR\u00c1N (la operaci\u00f3n puede tardar unos minutos, no realices una nueva uni\u00f3n hasta que finalice esta)": "Are you sure you want to merge these lists? Lists will be joined to the list with the highest number of subscriber and they will be REMOVED (this operation might take some minutes, do not perform a new merge till this one is over)", "\u00bfSeguro que quieres ": "Are you sure you want to ", "\u00bfSeguro que quieres borrar los suscriptores seleccionados?": "Are your sure you want to delete selected subscribers?", "\u00bfSeguro que quieres dar de alta a los suscriptores seleccionados? ": "Are you sure you want to subscribe the selected subscribers? ", "\u00bfSeguro que quieres dar de baja a los suscriptores seleccionados? ": "Are you sure you want to subscribe the selected subscribers? ", "\u00bfSeguro que quieres eliminar la plantilla?": "Are you sure you want to delete the template?", "\u00bfTe apetece probar gratis acumbamail?": "Do you want to try Acumbamail for free?", "\u00daltimos N post": "Last N posts", "\u00daltimos N res\u00famenes": "Last N summaries", "\u00daltimos N res\u00famenes con imagen": "Last N summaries with image", "\u00daltimos N res\u00famenes con img": "Last N summaries with img", "\u20ac/mes": "\u20ac/month" }; for (var key in newcatalog) { django.catalog[key] = newcatalog[key]; } if (!django.jsi18n_initialized) { django.gettext = function(msgid) { var value = django.catalog[msgid]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return msgid; } else { return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0]; } }; django.ngettext = function(singular, plural, count) { var value = django.catalog[singular]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return (count == 1) ? singular : plural; } else { return value[django.pluralidx(count)]; } }; django.gettext_noop = function(msgid) { return msgid; }; django.pgettext = function(context, msgid) { var value = django.gettext(context + '\x04' + msgid); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = msgid; } return value; }; django.npgettext = function(context, singular, plural, count) { var value = django.ngettext(context + '\x04' + singular, context + '\x04' + plural, count); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = django.ngettext(singular, plural, count); } return value; }; django.interpolate = function(fmt, obj, named) { if (named) { return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match){return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])}); } else { return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match){return String(obj.shift())}); } }; /* formatting library */ django.formats = { "DATETIME_FORMAT": "N j, Y, P", "DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M", "%m/%d/%y" ], "DATE_FORMAT": "N j, Y", "DATE_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%Y-%m-%d", "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%y" ], "DECIMAL_SEPARATOR": ".", "FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "0", "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT": "F j", "NUMBER_GROUPING": "3", "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT": "m/d/Y P", "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "m/d/Y", "THOUSAND_SEPARATOR": ",", "TIME_FORMAT": "P", "TIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M:%S.%f", "%H:%M" ], "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT": "F Y" }; django.get_format = function(format_type) { var value = django.formats[format_type]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return format_type; } else { return value; } }; /* add to global namespace */ globals.pluralidx = django.pluralidx; globals.gettext = django.gettext; globals.ngettext = django.ngettext; globals.gettext_noop = django.gettext_noop; globals.pgettext = django.pgettext; globals.npgettext = django.npgettext; globals.interpolate = django.interpolate; globals.get_format = django.get_format; django.jsi18n_initialized = true; } }(this));