Pricing plans

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I have 20.000 subscribers

0 monthly
Email editor OK
No minimum-term contract OK
More than 850 email templates OK
No Acumbamail logo on templates OK
Complete reports OK
Automations 20 workflows
Websites 10
Website visits 50000/month
Landing page templates OK
Website themes OK
A/B Testing OK
Dynamic forms OK
Webhooks OK
Download subscribers OK
Standard data processing contract OK
Support by live chat and email OK
Saved rows in the editor 10 rows
Save synced rows in the editor 10 rows
Customisable domain for websites and surveys OK
Send at the most active time OK
List cleaning OK
List optimisation OK
Campaign quality analysis OK
Templates previews / Spam testing 10
Priority in sending queue OK
Analysis of best time slot OK
Agency account 20 users
Facebook audiences 3
Monthly Consulting OK
Telephone support OK
SMS included 10 sms/month
Surveys 10,000 answers/month
Social media management OK
Content sources 5 (50 items/source)
Priority support KO
Email marketing consulting KO
Account manager KO
Dedicated IP KO
0 monthly
Email editor OK
No minimum-term contract OK
More than 850 email templates OK
No Acumbamail logo on templates OK
Complete reports OK
Automations Unlimited
Websites Unlimited
Website visits 1000000/month
Landing page templates OK
Website themes OK
A/B Testing OK
Dynamic forms OK
Webhooks OK
Download subscribers OK
Standard data processing contract OK
Support by live chat and email OK
Saved rows in the editor 50 rows
Save synced rows in the editor 50 rows
Automatic resend to non-openers OK
Customisable domain for websites and surveys OK
Send at the most active time OK
List cleaning OK
List optimisation OK
Campaign quality analysis OK
Templates previews / Spam testing 100
Priority in sending queue OK
Analysis of best time slot OK
Agency account 200 users
Facebook audiences Unlimited
Monthly Consulting OK
Telephone support OK
SMS included 100 sms/month
Surveys 500000 respuestas/mes
Social media management OK
Content sources unlimited
Priority support OK
Email marketing consulting OK
Account manager OK
Dedicated IP OK